Lebanese newspapers' headlines for January 22, 2019

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National News Agency 22.01.2019. 07:11

Lebanese newspapers' headlines for January 22, 2019

NNA - ANNAHAR: Qatari dose...Arabs refuse to cover obstruction AL-AKHBAR: Isn't time to form the government? AL-JOUMHOURIA: Western alerts: Region standing on a landmine...coil consultations...Geagea visits Bkirki AL-MUSTAQBAL: Qatar purchases USD 500 worth of bonds Government action returns AL-HAY»»»

Saudi Gazette 10.02.2019. 19:49

SMEs could employ 15m Arabs

Lebanon economy needs urgent surgery to avoid collapse: HaririSaudi Gazette reportDubai — Managing Director and Chairwoman of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Christine Lagarde called for better finance access to Arab small and medium-enterprises.Addressing the World Government Summit here on »»»

Middle East Monitor 25.06.2019. 19:41

Kushner: Agreement on economic pathway vital for Middle East peace

Senior White House adviser Jared Kushner said on Tuesday that prosperity for the Palestinians was not possible without a fair political solution – but that agreement on an economic way forward was a necessary precondition for Israeli-Palestinian peace, reports Reuters. Kushner was addressing the op»»»

Gulf Business Emirati Arabi Uniti 18.04.2023. 07:01

Top 100 most powerful Arabs 2023

The past 12 months have been truly momentous for the Arab world, from the building of some of the world’s most ambitious infrastructure projects to the hosting of two consecutive UN Climate Change Conferences (COPs) and a listing boom that saw Middle East IPOs fetching more than $18bn. The Gulf reg»»»

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