China faces AI talent shortage in an otherwise booming 'new economy' sector, report finds

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Korea Times Corea del Sud 6h

China faces AI talent shortage in an otherwise booming 'new economy' sector, report finds

An Artificial Intelligence (AI) sign is seen at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) in Shanghai, China July 6, 2023. Reuters-Yonhap China's booming artificial intelligence (AI) industry has a plethora of job openings but not enough talent to fill them, according to a recent report f»»»
China Daily Cina 12.11. 10:01

Pet-like robot from Japan sets to comfort AD patients and others in China

SHANGHAI - When Xiaoxiao was powered on and started moving, she quickly noticed the gaze of a woman sitting in a wheelchair, staring at her with interest. She immediately walked in that direction, opening her small hands for a hug. The lady is a visitor to the seventh China International Import Exp»»»

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